Prior to acupuncture school, I worked in the corporate world for 10 years. My tasks involved finding "bugs" in applications so they operated without errors. The computer world may seem significantly different from acupuncture, but I see a similarity between them. The "bugs" are the symptoms that emerge to inform us of the body's imbalances. In acupuncture, the goal is determining the root cause of those symptoms or distress, whether it is physical, mental, or emotional.
I believe acupuncture awakens the body’s natural healing ability. It establishes equilibrium and connection by tapping into the healing already within.
I am passionate about treating the manifestations of stress and trauma, and how it affects an individual personally, relationally, systemically, and collectively. Though this is my particular interest, I respect where you choose to be on your health journey, not where I believe you should be.
I have supported clients who experience: acute and chronic physical pain, muscle tension, athletic or sports injuries, migraines, headaches, allergies, anxiety, depression, sleep issues, PMS, PCOS, infertility or difficulty conceiving (with and without the use of assisted reproductive technologies), pregnancy discomfort, menopausal symptoms, fibromyalgia, cancer trreatment side-effects, as well as overwhelming stress, and mental & emotional distress during difficult life experiences.
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Eileen Espiritu, L.Ac.
Acupuncturist in Bucks County, PA - Acupuncture in Doylestown, PA (Buckingham Township)
2525 Holicong Rd., Doylestown, PA 18902
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